ApplePip Productions
Kooky Cards
3068piggyfm 3069office 3070fairy
3071socks 3072clown 3073stress
3074spud 3075bath 3076_signs
3077commons 3078lucky_dip 3079bears
Code 3065: Cat Call
My kitty loves his motorbike
whenever he rides it
he goes meeeOOOww!
Code 3066: Missing
Spare a thought for my nan
who got lost on the way to the curry house
Now she is missing and so is my naan.
Code 3067: It's a Saveloy!
The doner kebab married the chipolata
I can't wait to hear the pitta platter
of tiny meat.
Code 3068: Piggy FM
I bought my piggy a radio
but it never really worked.
Too much crackling.
Code 3069: Office Ethics
You know it's a sin
To work with a grin
If the office you're in is non-smirking.
Code 3070: A Fairy Story
Never fall asleep with your head under the pillow. You may wake up with no teeth
But lots of money.
Code 3071: Socrilegious
Please say a pray for my shoes
Bless their soles
For they are holey
Code 3072: Big Job
I put an ad in the local rag
for a circus clown.
No small feet.
Code 3073: Stress relief
Lots of stress, massage, squeeze, massage, pinch, massage, rub, And stop. No more stress, muscles slack. Oily back.
Code 3074: Hard Cheese
The short-sighted waiter located the brie but not the potata. He couldn't see the spud for the cheese.
Code 3075: Bird Bath
I saw a bird having a bath, a lovely sight for certain. And then with a fright she spotted me and pulled the bathroom curtain.
Code 3076: Signs of the Times
Lamb! Beef! Bacon! Chops! Signs you see in butchers' shops. Along with 'No Dogs'. Phews that's a relief!
Code 3077: Dismember
The Commons Speaker got into a fight. Now look at the state of him. Eyes to the left, nose to the right.
Code 3078: Lucky Dip
I saw a sign saying Hidden Dip, a good job it was there. The road ahead was holey, and covering in guacamole.
Code 3079: Driving in Alaska
Set off, bear left, bear right, straight on, bear right, bear left, stop.
No more bears.
Code 3080: Very Condensed Milk
3065meow 3066nan 3067kebab
All cards are 150mm x 150mm and come in packs of 6. The cost of six is £5.90 with free p&p. Cards are printed on 350gms (thick!) Calisto Diamond White card and come cellophane-wrapped with a white envelope. TRADE ONLY PLEASE - MINIMUM ORDER £50.

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